Chapter 8

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|Jumins pov|

I was thinking about what y/n told me then I thought about Jihyun how he got back with Rika and said he had to break up with someone all because he thought this would help Rika get better but it didn't and Rika got worse then

*Wait no! Jihyun don't say he's y/ns ex*

Right then he walked in

"Hey jumin how are you." I then decided to test it out

"Good just me and y/n have started to talk about me adopting Alex the day we get married." I say and I see his face go sad and then I knew he had dated y/n and broke her heart by choosing Rika

"Ah I see well then cool." Jihyun says and I sigh

"You act weird whenever my girlfriend is around why? And tell me the truth."

"Ok jumin i uh dated her."

"Ah so are you the ex that she says she wishes was dead."

"Yup that's me."

"I see well then—"

Alex runs out of the room he stays in when he stays at my place because y/n is busy and I was thinking of asking y/n to move in with me the day I propose to her

"Alex careful not to slip and fall." I say and Alex runs off and hugs me and I hugs him back

"Ok dada I promise but when will mommy be here?"

"She said she's coming over later after she's done with her shopping so we have to be patient for her to come here."

"I wanna stay here with you forever."

"Awww Alex I do as well because I love you and your mother." I say and I notice Jihyun staring at Alex and I'm guessing Alex is his son so he's his birth father but what y/n calls him is a sperm donor and he's not a father to Alex and never will be

*I don't know what should I do should I tell y/n that my best friend is the ex she hates so much? Or should I not tell her and just let her be blind to who Jihyun is to her? I don't know what to do I wish I knew*

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