Chapter 36

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You were crying in jumins arms and he just hugged you

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have made you come you should have stayed with Alex who cares if people think our marriage was faked I don't as long as we are happy." Jumin says and you kiss him and he kisses you back

"Jumin we didn't know Alex would get kidnapped it's not your fault you didn't know."

Jumin was crying he was so upset over this

Rika called him as you and jumin were at the party and told him she took Alex because you need to pay for having jihyuns kid and your friend needed to pay

You then took the phone and yelled at her and called her so many names as you were crying

You and jumin then left the party and went home immediately

You hug jumin and he holds you close to him

Jumin sent people where Jihyun is to get Alex back and your friend and you have been crying none stop since you heard of Alex being kidnapped

Jumin got a call and told you to stay here he needed to go out for a second

Jumin told a security guard to watch you and not let you leave

You were confused and tried to leave yelling at jumin to get back here and tell you what's wrong but the security guard was holding you back as jumin ran off

*Whats going on? Why didn't he tell me what was going on why did he leave? What is happening I'm scared why did jumin leave without saying anything who was on the phone?* you think and you tried calling jumin over and over but he didn't wander he even declined your call what the hell? He's never did that ever so what the hell was happening?

|Jumins pov|

I felt terrible but I needed to go quickly I had to go to mint eye and get Alex but y/n is pregnant I can't have something happening to her so I needed to keep her safe and the baby safe so I'll go and get Alex myself and then bring him back

I know y/n will run to where Alex is and I can't have her getting hurt

*I'm sorry y/n I need to protect you and protect the baby I hope you can forgive me after this I just need to protect you*

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