Chapter 2

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One day you bump into the guy who's jumins friend and he starts acting weird

"Your jumins friend right?" You ask and he nods

"Uh yes I am and your his girlfriend." He says and you nod

"Yes but call me y/n what should I call you."

"Call me V please uh yeah now gotta dash." He says running off

*Whats wrong with him?* you think but you shake your head and walk off to where you were going

Later on as you were at a cafe sitting outside with some friends Jumin walks over with his friend

"Hey sweetheart how are you today you didn't answer my text earlier."

"Oh sorry I was busy you know." You say and he nods

"I thought that was the case I know you're busy today but any time for me today."

"After my shift at the at the day care how about it?"

"It's a date." Jumin says and then he leans down and kisses you and you kiss him back

"Ok love birds stop it like you both act like newly weds when your not married or engaged."

"Hmm yes correct but we aren't yet."

You started blushing and acting all nervous which V thought was cute he remembered when you used to do that to him and only him well now you just do it to jumin because your now jumins girl which just got him depressed

"Anyways love I'll see you later I'll miss you." Jumin says and you smile and kiss him and he kisses you back

"I'll miss you too." You say and you and jumin were acting all cute and couple like until your friends finally said don't you have a shift to get to

"Oh your right and I have to drop by my moms I actually have to dash bye!" You yell running off and and jumin picked up a piece of paper that fell out of your bag it turned out to be a list of things to buy later

*I'll return this to y/n later tonight when we have our little date which I can't wait for*

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