Chapter 34

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Your sister threw you a baby shower when she found out your pregnant again

And all your friends did and family were there

You didn't even know it was happening your sister just said she wanted you to come over with jumin and Alex so you did and well surprise it was a baby shower

The room had pink balloons and there was a cake with a crown on it

You started to cry because memories of Alex's baby shower came to you

"Babe are you ok?" Jumin asks worried for you and you nod

"I'm fine sorry I just can't stop the tears this reminds me of when I was pregnant with Alex." You say and jumin kisses your cheek to try and calm you down

Your friend Victoria and Jihyun walk over holding hands as you were crying

"Oh man bad timing."

"She's just happy don't worry."

"Oh." Jihyun says as jumin was trying to calm you down

"Hey look let's stop crying now ok?"

"I can't I'm just so happy."

After a few more minutes jumin calmed you down and then people came up more and congratulated you and jumin on the baby as Alex went off  with all the other kids to play the games you're sister set out for them

But when it was time to open gifts that people got you and jumin Alex came back and helped you and jumin open them

"Wow these are a lot of stuff aren't they." Jumin says and you nod

"Looks like we don't need to go shopping for baby stuff anymore."

Alex opened a gift and a dress with a pink bow was in it

"Yuck." Alex says and jumin chuckles as he puts the box over to the opened gifts

"Well Alex your little sister will probably like that you might not but your sister might like it." Jumin says and Alex nods and sits on jumins lap

Once the party was over jumin spent like 20 minutes trying to get the presents into the limo and when he finally did he walked over and said you both can go now

Alex was cranky because he didn't get his nap And when he's cranky he just wants mommy and to be with you

Jumin tried to get Alex off you but Alex slapped his hand away when he got close to you

Even when jumin went to kiss you he pushed jumin face away

"My mommy." Alex says and jumin sighs

You put Alex in his car seat and sit near him and jumin sat in front of you

*When Alex gets like this I can't even hug y/n or give her a kiss I hope Alex grows out of this and he's been more clingy to y/n since we told him she's pregnant maybe it's just a coincidence? Probably not*

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