Chapter 6

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|A week later|

You were out with Alex and you needed coffee and Alex wanted food so you went into a nearby coffee place and someone saw you walk in and didn't know what to do

*Y/n why is she everywhere I go? I so badly wanna tell her hey I'm your ex but she probably still hates me and I can't believe I got her pregnant I truly didn't know* V thinks as he watches you and Alex order then get your stuff and then you both sat down near him and he couldn't help but blush you were super close to him and he could just say anything but he didn't

"Momma we going to see dada?" Alex asks and V's eyes went wide did Alex mean jumin? Jumin is dating his ex and is now basically a father to his son

"Of course jumin will be very happy to see you won't he."

"Yes momma me miss him!!"

*I really need to talk to y/n but she never answers when I text her I got a completely new phone just to try and talk to her but nothing she must have guessed it was me and decided not to answer*

Alex was jumping up and down in his seat because he was excited to see jumin

"You really love being around Jumin don't you." You say and Alex nods

"Yes I love dada."

"I know you do Alex and he loves and cares for you." You say kissing his forehead and Alex then ate his donut happily and you smile as you looked at the teal haired boy who was so happy most of the time ever since he met jumin he's been way more happier with his life he's always wanted a dad and now he has jumin who's basically stepped into the role for Alex as a father

Suddenly someone walks in and Alex runs and hugs someone and you look up and see jumin who's smiles super happily as he walks over and sits down but then he noticed his friend

"V come sit with us." Jumin says and his friend does as jumin had Alex on his lap as Alex was super happy

"Alex you have crumbs on your face." You say as you wipe his face with a napkin and Alex laughs

The V guy was kinda just staring at you which confused you

"Is something on my face?" You ask him and he shakes his head

"Uh now sorry miss I zoned out that all."

"Ah ok." You say smiling at him and it broke his heart even more knowing you wouldn't smile at him if you knew who he truly was

*Y/n I'm sorry for everything but your my best friends girlfriend now and I can never be with you again all because of me being stupid I shouldn't have choose Rika over you*

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