Chapter 17

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|Jumins pov|

I walk to jihyuns to hear yelling guess him and Rika are fighting once again well more like Rika is having another freak out and Jihyun is just letting it happen

She keeps saying she's better and then Jihyun let's her back into his life but she's even more abusive and manipulative then last time

He really needs to put her into a new mental facility that won't let her out until she's one hundred percent better because she seems to be getting worse and worse

I knock on the door and the yelling stops and Jihyun opens the door and he then noticed Alex who I brought with me since y/n was doing boring stuff so I decided I'd bring him with me and make it more interesting for him

"Hi jumin what are you doing you barely ever come over?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with me and Alex."

Rika then pokes her head and sees Alex

Which Alexs hides behind me scared which yeah Rika has changed a lot and looks terrifying because of how little sleep she gets

"Alex buddy don't worry your safe with me around."

"I know just I'm shy daddy." Alex says and Jihyun looked super hurt and sad

"Anyways Jihyun you busy."

"Not really—"

"He is bye." Rika says and then he sighs and walks back in even if he didn't he was only gonna be yelled at by Rika

I don't know why he's staying with her I wonder why

|Jihyuns pov|

I just sit back down on the couch and sigh

*I can't even leave Rika because what's the point I choose her over y/n now I have to suffer the consequence of my choice and that means by staying with Rika forever. So I guess this is my punishment for breaking y/ns heart*

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