Chapter 3

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|chapter Helped by Lilith|

Jumin was setting up a romantic dinner in his penthouse when he got a call from you

"Hey love when are you coming over?"

"Soon just Alex is just causing trouble he doesn't want me to leave and he wants to come but I've already called my mom to watch him."

"Of course he can he's always welcome to come over just tell your mom to not come over." Jumin says and he heard cheering from the phone

*Well me proposing tonight may have to be postponed maybe it's for the better I should ask Alex first if he's even fine with it since Alex is y/ns son after all* Jumin thinks as he thinks back to when he first met Alex when he was 3 and it was 5 months into you and jumin dating he saw you out with Alex and approached you and that's how he found out about your son

Jumin just smiled

*Ever since I've met Alex I've tried my best to make him feel like he can trust me with anything and I think it worked since Alex always wants to come to my place when y/n does but sometimes he can't for reasons*

After a few hours one of jumins security guards let you and Alex in and Alex ran in immediately and jumin got up and you walked over to him and kissed him

"Sorry were a bit more late then normal." You say and jumin smiles and nods then he kneels down to the little teal haired boy and smiles as he pats his head

"Anyways Alex are you hungry." Jumin asks an Alex nods happily and truth is Alex has called jumin dad a few times jumin took you all to an amusement park and Jumin bought Alex a stuffed bear and Alex said thank you dad for the first time which left jumin super shocked

"I'm super hungry."

"You have a bottomless pit don't you." Jumin says tickling Alex's belly which makes him laugh

You sat down on the chair and smiled at you watched jumin tickle Alex

*Truth is jumin is probably a better dad then Jihyun who left me because his ex needed him and wanted him back and he went running immediately to her without hesitation. Who does that to someone who told me that they'd never let me go and love me forever*

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