Chapter 28

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|Alexs pov|

Today I was at my friends house and they were showing me their new puppy

"This is my corgi puppy Alex."

"Aww she's so cute I want a dog they are so cute we only have a cat named Elizabeth the third my dada had her before I met him."

"How does that work?"

"What you mean?" I say confused

"What do you mean by before you met your dad are your parents divorced?"

"No mommy and daddy just married they met when I was three." 

"What I'm so confused."

"And mommy's now pregnant."

"Why do you have teal hair if your mom has h/c hair."

"I don't know I never thought about it like that who do I get it from." I starts
to think where do I get my hair from

*I'll ask mommy where my hair comes from* I think as I play with the puppy I wanted one so badly I hope I can get one


|Your Pov|

As you were folding Alexs laundry when he asks you a question

"Mommy where do I get my hair colour from."

"What? And why are you asking that?"

"I'm curious I wanna know mommy like do I get it from real dad?" Alex says and jumin looks up a bit hurt that Alex said that

"Alex it doesn't matter where you get your hair from because it's your hair maybe you were just born with it."

"Also I want a puppy I love puppies." Alex says and jumin looked even more shocked

"But what's wrong with cats Alex?"

"Nothing is wrong with cats but I like dogs more. They are more cute especially corgis." Alex says and you snicker as jumin looked betrayed and still hurt from what Alex said about real dad

*Man jumin looks so hurt first Alex calked Jihyun his real dad and then Alex wanted a dog and loves dogs more then cats*

You get up and kiss jumin and he smiles as he pulls you closer to him

"Don't take anything Alex says personally he's a kid he doesn't know much." You say and jumin nods

*I know y/n doesn't want Alex to know about Jihyun being his dad, but I feel like we should tell him before he finds out when he's older and he may be angry with us in the future, but of course it's all up to y/n*

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