Chapter 40

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Jumin took some time off work to spend with angel and Alex

And so you weren't so stressed out in the beginning

Jumin would just work from home and he'd meet with people over the computer usually he was holding angel during them as you were fast asleep or with Alex

Jumin was holding angel as the was sitting on the couch

Angel was asleep finally and you were able to take a nap finally

*Having a baby is difficult but it would have been more difficult if I didn't take time off work, y/n would be even more stressed, and I'm worried for y/n when I have to go back to work maybe I should hire a nanny to help her?* Jumin thinks as angel did a small stretch and yawn which jumin thought was so adorable

You walk out of the bedroom and jumin looks over

"20 minutes sweetheart." Jumin says and you nod and sit beside jumin

"Has she been sleeping ok?" You ask and jumin nods

"Yes she hasn't woken up since you put her to sleep she's been really sleepy today." Jumin says and you smile


Today the RFA came over to meet angel and you were holding her as everyone was saying how cute she was

Angel does a big yawn

"What a cutie." Yoosung says and jumin nods as he was holding Alex

"I'm cute as well!" Alex says and you and jumin both nod

Lately Alex has been doing everything to get yours and Jumins attention on him and not on angel

*Were trying to help Alex get used to having a baby in the house now, it's gonna be a long process but we do want him to like his little sister and not hate her, or try and act like a baby just to get attention*

(So my friend made me a new book cover should I use it?)

(So my friend made me a new book cover should I use it?)

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