Chapter 19

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The closer the wedding got the more you got nervous and you'd double check everything

"Y/n take a deep breath the planning is done we've done everything and your sister has even told you to stop worrying if anything goes wrong she'll fix it."

"I know just I don't want anything to go wrong."

"I know now deep breaths babe."

You take deep breaths as jumin was holding you in his arms

"Thanks jumin." You say and jumin kisses your cheek and then your neck

"Look everything is gonna be ok."

"Ok jumin I just don't want anything to go wrong."

"It won't I promise."

|The day of the wedding|

You were at your mom's house as Alex was with Jumin you had to stay over at your mom's house for the night because tradition because apparently the groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding or else it's bad luck so that's why your at your mom's house now getting ready for to get married to jumin

|Pick your hair style|

|Pick your hair style|

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