Chapter 24

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As jumin was out with Alex he saw Jihyun and called him over

"Hey jumin." Jihyun says and jumin then told Alex to go over and play on the play ground and once Alex was gone jumin glares at Jihyun

"Why did you kiss my wife on our wedding day."

"Oh she told you."

"Yes she did and I wanna know why you did it."

"I still love her ok and I've been jealous of you because you get the girl I love and my son."

"So you know about Alex."

"I knew when I saw him for the first time jumin but I know y/n won't ever let me be in his life. And I deserve it I broke up with her all because I felt guilty for Rika, I hate myself." Jihyun says and I felt bad for him but not much I can do even if Alex is my son and I can make decisions for him now, I think y/n still should get the main decision about Jihyun being in Alexs life

"I see well get your emotions for her under control or else our friendship is over Jihyun." Jumin says and Jihyun nods

"I'm sorry."

*Y/n is Jumins girl and she will be for the rest of her life because now her and jumin are married and they promised to love each other forever, my feelings for y/n are nothing anymore and she doesn't even feel the same anymore I could tell when I kissed her, I now have to just be there for my best friend*

|5 weeks later|

You started to feel sick and jumin was worried as you just smiled after you finished throwing up

"Hmm jumin you know I think this is the product of our honeymoon because it was long enough ago for it to happen."

"What? I don't understand."

"Jumin do I really have to spell this out for you? Ok well I think I'm pregnant and you might have gotten me pregnant from our honeymoon." You say and jumin then looked shocked as he smiled

"You might be pregnant? Well this is wonderful news we need to find out if you are quickly and of course Alex will be happy to have a sibling now." Jumin says as he plants kisses all over your face as you smile

*I hope y/n is pregnant after I started to be a father to Alex I started to want a baby myself but held back it all until me and y/n were married, and now we are and now we could be having a baby together I'm so excited*

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