Chapter 46

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Today the kids weren't home and you and jumin got some alone time Jumins dad wanted to spend time with his grandchildren since he was more free today and barely got to see them, so he took them out for the whole day

Jumin kisses you and picks you up and carries you to the bedroom

"We haven't done this in awhile Huh? Man I missed this." Jumin says as he kisses your neck and you smile

"I did too gosh jumin you work too much." You say and jumin nods

"Ugh I do and then I spend most of my time with Angel and Alex we need more alone time." Jumin says and you nod you miss his touch on you

"Careful don't wanna get me pregnant again." You say and Jumin stops and looks at you

"Not a bad idea." He says and you were so shocked you couldn't speak and you didn't wanna speak as well because why not? You don't mind

|a while later|

You were getting dressed when a security guard says Victoria is here as Jumin was still fast asleep

"Oh let her in." You say as you walk out of the bedroom and sit in the living room

Victoria walks over upset and hugs you

"What's wrong?" You ask worried Jihyun was stupid again and broke your friends heart

"I'm scared of being pregnant help me!" She says and you nod oh ok she just needs pregnancy help oh thank god you thought he was gonna screw up another pregnant girlfriend

You just talked to her about everything to help ease her fear which worked and she started to feel less anxious about it all

"Thanks y/n but now I should be getting home." Victoria says and you nod

"Yeah I get it be safe ok?" You say and she nods as she puts her coat on then leaves

You just sigh as Jumin walks out and kisses your neck and you smile

"I love you." He whispers in your ear making your smile grow

"I love you too."

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