Chapter 22

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One morning you woke up extremely tired even though you just woke up maybe it was from what you and jumin did yesterday, you go to get up but jumin grabs your hips and pulls you closer to him

"No you can't leave." Jumin says as he wraps his arms around your waist and he smiles happily

"Jumin I need to take a bath." You say as you then give jumin a kiss and he smiles even more if that was possible

"Can I join you."

"Why do you wanna do that?"

"I don't know why not we are married after all."

"Well not today." You say and jumin nods as he kisses you

"Gosh I love you so much I don't even know if I can tell you how much I love you by words."

"Well tell me after my bath since that's the only thing they have in this room." You say walking into the bathroom as jumin sits up and looks around the room

After a while you got into the bath and relax this room is basically like everyone is trying to make you and junin conceive a baby. Like when the cleaning lady comes in she puts more roses on the bed for when you and junin come back and she makes it just as romantic as it was when you both came here

And there's only a bath tub which is large enough for two people

*I just can't wait to get home to Alex I feel bad that I can't contact him but like jumin said it's time for just us together no distractions. We even turned off our phones so jumin can't get work messages and I can only get messages from my mother if there is an emergency with Alex.*

|Jumins pov|

I was getting dressed for the day and I truly couldn't stop thinking if Alex was ok or not. Of course I know he is and for y/n I try and stay strong like I'm not worried but I am. Alex is basically my son no he is my son and I'll always worry for him

*I know y/n is more worried then me she is his mother but I can't help but worry for Alex maybe we're worried for him the same maybe*

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