Chapter 12

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Once you were fully moved in you and jumin started to plan your wedding and Alex was interested in what you and jumin were doing

"What are you doing?" Alex asks as jumin had talked about getting your wedding dress custom made by someone

"We're getting married remember." You say as you were sitting on jumins lap as Alex was sitting beside you both

"Oh yeah!" Alex says and then he smiled even more

"Anyways I want our wedding to be perfect sweetheart so please let do things you wouldn't normally let me do." Jumin asks and you sigh

"Ok but only because it's our wedding ok." You say and jumin nods and kisses your cheek and you smile happily

*I can't wait to marry jumin I'm so excited* you think as you and jumin then continue to plan it and Jumin wanted to get married quickly but you told him if you both are gonna plan it together you both need a bit more time so you picked the date which jumin agreed

"Now I know you don't like him but Jihyun is my best friend."

"Fine whatever." You say and jumin kisses your cheek

"I know you'll never like him but he's my childhood best friend so please try and be as nice to him as you can." Jumin asks and you nod

"I'll try just when I think of him I get angry and now that he keeps trying to message me which I can't deal with him." You say and jumin looked confused

"He's what?" Jumin says confused and you nod

"Yeah he keeps asking if we can talk but I don't wanna and he even came to the daycare on my old shift days when me and him dated." You say and jumin was super shocked

"I didn't know this." Jumin day and you nod

"I was hoping he'd give up after awhile but he hasn't and I don't wanna hear what he's gonna say."

"I see."

*I wonder what's up with Jihyun and why he wants to talk to my fiancée I guess I'll ask him*

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