Chapter 27

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You we're at the day care when a girl came crying to you and Alex looked shocked

"Alex is being mean miss l/n stop him your his mommy." the girl says and Alex was still looking shocked

"Alexander come here now." You say and Alex looked annoyed then as he walked over

"What mommy."

"So what happened why were you being mean?"

"I wasn't."

"You called me rude names with your friends."

"So? You started it loser." Alex says and you look at him not happy

"Alexander Ethan Han stop it." You say and Alex looks at the ground because you said his full name your really angry or upset when you use it

"Ok I'm sorry Lila I won't call you any mean names again but you better stay away from us because cooties."

"Alex cooties didn't exist who told you that?"

"Seven!" Alex says and the girl looked confused

"Seven is a number dumb dumb."

"No uncle seven is not a number." Alex says and jumin introduced you and Alex to everyone in the Rfa but Jihyun since he wasn't around at the time and now Alex calls Jaehee auntie and the rest of them uncle

"Uncle Seven was lying Alex." You say as the girl walks off to her friend snow

"No he never lies he's god Seven! And god Seven can never lie!!" Alex says and you smile as you laugh slightly

"Yes he is but girls don't have cooties."

"I'll have to talk to uncle Seven about this one mommy." Alex says and you nod and then you let Alex go back to his friends

*I swear what else has seven told Alex I'm gonna have to talk to jumin so he can tell Seven to not lie to Alex about things* you think as you had to sit down already tired 

You just sigh when someone walks in

"Wait y/n l/n you work here?" Someone says and you turn around and see your high school ex boyfriend wow that was a long time ago

"Hey Adrian What's up?" You ask and he smiles at you

"Nothing really I came to pick up my sisters daughter since my sister is busy at work and so is her husband."

"Oh I see well how have you been?"

"I've been good I can't keep a relationship as long as ours but then again because of my job it's hard."

"I understand me and my husband had a lot of trouble with our relationship at first because of his job and me with my son but then we figured it out easily and now we're married." You say and he looked shocked

"Wow so y/n l/n is no more I see so what's your last name?"

"I'm y/n Han now but I let the kids still call me miss l/n it's easier for them to call me what they've called for years."

"And you said you had a son?"

"Yes Alex his name is Alexander but he likes to be called Alex, I had him 5 years before I met jumin and I was scared to tell jumin when we first started dating I had a son but when he found out he loved Alex so much." You say and Adrian nods

"I see well I'm happy for you anything else new with you?" He asks and you put a hand where the baby is and he immediately guessed

"Me and jumin are having a baby Alex hopes its a boy but who knows." You say and he nods as his niece runs and jumps in his arms and starts kicking happily as Adrian tries to not get kicked in the stomach

"Anyways I should get going y/n it was nice seeing you."

"You too." You say as jumin walks in to pick up Alex

"Babe you look tired did you get a good night sleep last night." Jumin says and Adrian looks at jumin and then just walks off

"I'm fine little kids are hard to take care of." You say and jumin kisses your forehead and some kiss say eww cooties and jumin and you laugh

"So who was the guy you were talking to?"

"Oh we dated in high school we were just catching up and stuff."

"Ah I see."

*I don't know why I feel jealous y/n and I are married to each other there's no need to be jealous at all jumin y/n and the guy were just catching up nothing weird and no need to be jealous* 

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