Chapter 25

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Right now you were taking  like 13 pregnancy tests and they all came back positive jumin really wanted to make sure you were pregnant

And Jihyun was over as you were taking all 13 of them and then you handed all 13 positive pregnancy tests to jumin

"So your truly pregnant!" Jumin says as Jihyun looked super sad

Jumin just kissed you over and over as you smiled

Alex walked out of his bedroom since he was taking a nap

Alex was carrying his silky which is what he calls his blanket he carries everywhere with him well mostly everywhere

Silky is the blanket he would sleep with as a baby and he still needs it to fall asleep

"What's going on?" A sleepy Alex says yawning

"Alex your gonna have a new sibling."

"No thank you please." Alex says and you and jumin looked at each other

"We can't really change it Alex your getting a new sibling."

"Well cancel the order me no want one I only want mommy and daddy if I get a new sibling you both won't love me anymore."

"Alexander look sweetie I'll always love you no matter how many siblings you have, I remember wasn't it when you were 3 you always wanted a sibling to play with what happened?" You say tickling Alex and he laughs

"Mommy no tickles and no Alexander!" Alex says laughing as tears started to come out of his eyes from laughing, and Alex actually doesn't like being called his full name he likes just Alex and not Alexander

You hug Alex and smile at him

"Look I promise I'll always love you ok Alex." You and jumin say together and Alex smiles

"Ok." Alex says and you kiss his forehead and he smiles happily

*Alex won't ever know about me being his father and maybe it's better that way it's less complicated for y/n and jumin, so I'll respect their decisions*

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