Chapter 15

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Jumin told you to go somewhere and you did and apparently it was for your wedding dress which wow you really haven't thought about that yet

So right now you were trying on wedding dresses that a bunch of women picked for you

|Pick your wedding dress|

|Pick your wedding dress|

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You pick one of them and then the ladies made sure it would fit perfectly on you

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You pick one of them and then the ladies made sure it would fit perfectly on you

Once that was over they gave you the dress saying jumin already paid for your wedding dress which shocked you of course

*I actually have a wedding dress for mine and Jumins wedding wow I can't believe I'm getting married*

When you got home jumin smiled at you

"So how beautiful is your dress?"

"You'll have to wait and see babe."

"We have so much we need to plan and tomorrow we're going to places where we may have our wedding reception." Jumin says and you nod

"Question Where's Alex?" You ask not seeing him and jumin sits up a bit more as you sat on his lap

"You know your mother she loves randomly coming to your house and saying she's gonna hangout with Alex like today she came over and told Alex they are gonna spend time together."

"Oh so we get the rest of the day to ourselves huh?" You say and jumin nods

"Yeah but we have so much more planning to do." Jumin says exhausted and you chuckle

"So what did Alex do to make you so tired?"

"He really likes to play tag doesn't he." Jumin says and you chuckle

"Yeah he does let me guess your so tired you just wanna not move and sit here and cuddle with me?" You ask and jumin nods and kisses you and you kiss him back

*Y/n is so amazing I don't understand why Jihyun would ever let her go I know he felt like everything with Rika was his fault but still I still really don't understand how he could choose Rika over y/n. But I'm glad he did because now I get y/n and I couldn't be happier with her*

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