Chapter 32

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Today you and jumin were going to find out the baby's gender which was exciting

And Alex came with you both

"It better be a baby brother." Alex says and you and jumin chuckle

"Who knows Alex." You say and Alex frowns

"Dad I wanna baby brother can you make sure I have one."

"I can't choose that Alex but who knows you may get a baby sister."

"Sisters are annoying my friend Noah has a little sister and she's annoying she always wants to hang around us." Alex says and you and jumin just chuckle as you were waiting for the doctor to come for your appointment

After a few more minutes of waiting the doctor came and talked to you and jumin

Then you got your ultrasound

The doctor puts the gel on your baby bump and then moves the device around as jumin as holding Alex so he can see the monitor with his sibling

"Look Alex that's your little sister or brother." Jumin says crying and Alex looked confused

"Where I don't see a thing."

"See right here." The doctor says outlining the baby and Alex nods

"Oh they look weird why?"

"It's just the ultrasound they don't really look like that Alex." You say and Alex nods as he squirms To get away from jumin

"I want mommy!"

"Alex mommy is busy with her doctor appointment ok? She can't hold you she's busy ok so you get me."

"I don't want you I want mommy."

"So what is it a girl or a boy." You ask impatiently and jumin nods as he was getting impatient as well

"Well congratulations mrs and mr han your having a..."

(So like normal you all choose what gender you want the baby to be and the most voted one will be the gender of the baby)

1. Girl

2. Boy

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