Chapter 20

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You and Jumin were getting married now and you looked so happy which Jihyun noticed and felt terrible he just tried to take his best friends soon to be wife because he got too jealous of jumin

*I truly am I horrible person I guess the only one I deserve is Rika* Jihyun thought as you and Jumin were giving each other your vows and Jumin even had one for Alex which jumin said he's gonna be the best father to Alex and stuff like that

Which of course people were crying from that because of how cute it was

And soon you and jumin were married

Jumin kisses you and you kiss him back as people cheer and Jihyun was just clapping as he was sad but happy for his best friend to have gotten married


Alex was sleepy half way through the reception so you were holding him as he was asleep

"Poor Alex but it is late." Jumin says as he put his jacket over Alex since he was cold

"Yeah it is late." You say and Jumin put his arm around you as he smiles as the sleeping Alex

"Well we are leaving soon so let's just let him rest." Jumin says and you nod as you smile at jumin

|Time skip|

You were so sleepy at the end of the night as well and there was a lot of gifts from people as well so jumin decided to get them all in the morning

You got changed out of your wedding dress as jumin was putting Alex to sleep you then got changed into your pyjamas

Jumin then walked in and kissed you before he changed out of his suit

*I truly can't believe that y/n is now my wife I'm so happy and now that the wedding is over me and y/n want to have a baby soon*

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