Chapter 5

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A few days later at the day care you got a text from a unknown number saying you blocked my old number but can we chat

You just didn't answer if you blocked them there's probably a good reason why

"Alex so today jumin is gonna come and get you and bring you to his place because I need to go shopping for food ok?" You say and Alex nods and then runs off to hangout with his friends

*When I was pregnant with Alex I thought it's just gonna be me and him forever because who would date someone who already has a kid I didn't think anyone would* you think as you clean up toys and put them back in the toy bin

You started to work here since forever because you've always loved taking care of children and helping them so you got a job here and you've worked here ever since

You then got another text from the unknown number saying are you at your work? If so tell me I really need to talk to you

You sent back a text saying no and then turned your phone off

*Gosh this person is creepy like are they a stalker I had once or something?*

|time skip|

Jumin came and you walked over and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him and he kissed you back

"Alex it's time to go." You say and Alex skips over and then you helped him put on his boats and coat

"Bye momma!" Alex says and you smile as you wave goodbye to him

|Jumins pov|

Once me and Alex were at my place I sat him down on the couch and told him we need to talk

"About what?"

"Well I wanna propose to your mother I want to ask your mother to marry me." I say and Alex nods

"Ok dada." Alex says and I smile

*well I'm glad Alex is ok with it because I really wanna propose to y/n I love her so much I don't know how I can live without her*

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