Chapter 31

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|Months later|

Jumin was talking with Alex about why he likes dogs

"Alex why do you like dogs?"

"Oh they are cute and I want one corgis especially."

"I see but why isn't Elizabeth enough?"

"She's ok but a corgi puppy is so cute mommy got me more magazines of puppies, seeing them makes me smile." Alex says and jumin nods

*Alexs birthday is coming soon maybe I will buy him a corgi puppy he looks so happy looking at the  pictures of one* jumin thinks as he smiles at Alex

Jumin then heard you gasp as you dropped glass and ran to you and saw you sitting on the couch

"Love are you ok!" Jumin asks and you smile at him and put his hand on your baby bump where the baby was kicking you and jumin smiled

"The baby is kicking jumin."

"Hello there little one surprised mommy and daddy didn't you." Jumin says as he smiles and then kisses your baby bump

You just smile back at him

"Also we are gonna go to a doctors appointment to see the gender since your now 4 to 5 months pregnant." Jumin says and you nod

"I can't wait to find out if it's a girl or boy."

"I want a boy girls are yuck." Alex says walking in and climbing onto the couch beside you

"Girls are why?"

"They just are yucky and on top of being yucky they have cooties and ewww." Alex says and you sigh as you laugh

"So that's why you want a baby brother?"

"Yeah I don't want cooties."

"Cooties isn't a real thing we talked about this Alex seven lied."

"Uncle seven never lies he even said cooties is real."

"Jumin please talk to seven about lying to Alex about stuff." You ask and jumin nods

"Yes I'll talk to him again don't worry babe this time I'll get the message across."

*I really can't wait to find out if it's a girl or boy I am so excited and I can't wait to meet the baby*

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