Chapter 23

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You and jumin went back home since it's been a week and when you got off the plane you ran and hugged Alex as he was crying

"I missed mommy and daddy." Alex says crying a lot and you hug and hold him close as jumin also hugged Alex

"Don't worry Alex we're back now." Jumin says and Alex nods as he snuggled into you

"Mommy never leave again!" Alex says looking up at you crying so much

"Don't worry Alex I'm back now." You say as you picked him up as he clung onto you still crying

*I missed mommy and daddy so much but I missed mommy more*


When you all got home Alex didn't want to let go of you so you just laid down on the bed with jumin as Alex was laying on top of you hugging you

"Alex are you feeling better?" You ask and Alex shakes his head

"Mommy don't go!" Alex says and you kiss his forehead

"I'm not going anywhere I promise not anytime soon of course." You say and Alex smiles at you as jumin rubs his back

*I missed Alex as we were gone I'm glad we're home*

|A few days later|

Today you decided to tell jumin about what Jihyun did

"So jumin on our wedding day Jihyun came into the room I was in and kissed me and asked for me back indirectly." You say and jumin frowns

"He did what? I thought he was over you." Jumin says and you sigh

"Apparently he still loves me."

"You didn't you know um kiss him back at all right?" Jumin asks and you look up at jumin as you shake your head

"No of course not and I don't love him at all."

"Then why were you scared to tell me babe you don't love him, he was the one who kissed you and you didn't kiss him back." Jumin says and you hug him

"I don't know why I was scared to tell you I guess I didn't want to ruin your friendship with him."

"It's not you who would have ruined it babe it's him if he doesn't keep his emotions for you under control." Jumin says and you nod

*I truly can't believe Jihyun kissed y/n on mine and her wedding day like what's wrong with him*

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