Chapter 44

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You decided to tell Alex and told jumin you will tell Alex

Which you and jumin then go to Alex's room and he looks over

"Did I do something? I don't think I pranked dad today." Alex says and you and jumin chuckle

"No we have something we need to tell you." You say and Alex nods

"Oh about what?" He asks and you let out a sigh as jumin rubs your back

"Who your birth dad is." You say and Alex looked happy to finally know who he is

"Wait your actually gonna tell me? I thought I'd have to wait until you die." Alex says and you sigh

"Well I'm telling you now Alex." You say and Alex nods as he was patiently waiting for you to say who his birth dad is

And Jumin being here to support you

"You know your dads best friend Jihyun right?" You say and Alex was confused huh? Of course he knows who he is like he's always over hanging out with jumin

"Yeah of course I do, like I'd be dumb if I didn't know who he is." Alex says and you nod as jumin holds your hand reassuringly

"Well he's your father jihyun Kim." You say and Alex was shocked what? His dads best friend is his birth father? No wonder you didn't like him

Even as a kid Alex realized you didn't like Jihyun at all

"He wanted us to tell you because my best friend who he's dating is pregnant with your half sibling." You say and alexs eyes widen

"What." Alex says another sibling? This time on his birth dads side

"Look I never wanted to tell you just we now think you being brother to your half sibling is a good idea." You say and jumin nods

"You don't have to get to know Jihyun he doesn't mind if you never wanna spend time with him, but he just wants you to know your half sibling on his side." Jumin says and Alex nods as you and jumin left to let him think stuff over

*I am glad I finally told Alex, and it's better now so in the future he doesn't hate me for never telling him. It feels nice to not keep this from Alex anymore even if I would have kept it from him forever if I could*

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