Chapter 4

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You and jumin were eating as Alex had already finished and was playing with Elizabeth when a security guard says that his friend is here

"It may be important Rfa stuff so I hope your ok if I talk to him

"Of course he's your friend go ahead." You say and then go over and check up on Alex who fell off the couch and then Jumins friend walks in and looked over at you and then noticed the kid and was even more shocked

"Hush Alex it's ok mommy is here does your head hurt?" You ask and then jumin walks up to his friend and starts to talk with him

They talk and then Jumin says he'll talk to him later and his friend looked super shocked as he left which confused you

"How's Alex is he ok?" Jumin says sounding worried and you nodded

"He's fine he just bumped his head didn't he." You say and Alex smiles

"Momma I want a cookie please and thank you."

"I don't think I have anymore how about tomorrow we bake some at the day care with all your friends." You say and Alex nods happily

"Ok mommy."

"Y/n it is getting late how about you stay here for tonight and leave the next morning." Jumin says and you nod

"Sure." You say and Alex yawns sleepily and you set him down on the couch and jumin puts a blanket over him and then you both finished your dinner together by yourselves without any distractions

"I truly do love you so much." Jumin says and you blush and he smiles

"I love you too jumin." You say and then you both kissed but you both quickly pulled away when Alex started talking in his sleep and you both looked over and then back at each other

*I wanna spend the rest of my life with y/n and I hope she feels the same way*

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