Chapter 10

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A few nights later Jumin asked for to come over so your mom was watching Alex for you

But when you walked Into the whole room was dimmed and jumin was standing there in the middle of the room it was like it was taken right out of a movie there were even rose petals

"Oh so romantic tonight aren't you." You say and you walked over to jumin who then pulled a small box out of his pocket as he went down on one knee and opened it which made you gasp

"I've never done this before but y/n l/n I can't imagine my life without you so will you marry me?" He asks and you nod

"Yes!" You say as you kiss him as he then puts the ring on your finger

"I can't believe it your now my fiancée."

"I love you jumin."

"I love you too y/n." Jumin says caressing your cheek as you smile

Jumin then kisses you again and you kiss him back as you wrapped your arms around his neck

When you both pulled away he asked you another question

"I was wondering if you want to move in with me we are getting married after all and it would be easier to take care of Alex." Jumin says and you nod as you kiss him again you were so happy you were so happy with jumin and he truly wanted to marry you only after 2 years almost 3 years of being together you were with Jihyun for 5 and he never once talked about marriage with you

*Maybe Jihyun never truly loved me maybe I was nothing to him but a toy until he got Rika back in his life and when he did I was nothing but garbage maybe that's all I was to him. Well forget him I'm with jumin now and I'm more happy with him then I've ever been with Jihyun*

"I'm gonna be the best father and husband just you wait." Jumin says and you smile as you hug him

"I know you will jumin."

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