Chapter 7

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Today jumin asked about your ex as he was at your apartment as you were putting Alex to sleep

"He choose his ex fiancée who had mental problems over me he blamed himself for her state so he did everything she asked and slowly stopped giving me attention and it all to her. By now he's probably married to her and living happily ever after, I always thought if I spoke first and said I'm pregnant before he broke up with me would I still be with him to this day." You say and jumin wraps his arms around your waist

"I think the world had other plans for you like being with me."

"Yeah I always thought it would be me and Alex forever and just the two of us I thought who would date someone with a child."

"Well it's you, me and Alex forever how about that."

"Jumin han you aren't proposing to me like this are you?" You say and jumin laughs

"No I'm not I'm just saying I won't ever leave you for someone else like your ex did I don't understand how he could."

"Well his girlfriend or wife or whoever she is now is manipulative let me tell you that and when she said she's better and she wanted him back because she said she needs it  she needs it to be how it was before, and she would yell it every night well he went crawling back to her." You say as you started to feel the hate for your ex burn up

"Let's talk about something else but you do look quiet tired maybe you should rest a bit." Jumin says and you sigh

"I'll be fine jumin don't worry too much about me."

"How can I not your my girlfriend y/n as your boyfriend isn't it my job to worry about you?"

"Yeah your right." You say and Jumin then kisses you and you kiss him back

*I'm so scared everyday because of my ex that Jumin will just find someone better then me and leave me for them it's a fear I have now because of Jihyun and I hate him so much for it!*

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