Chapter 29

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A few days later Jihyun came over as your friend was over

"Um ah hey y/n where's Jumin?"

"Making pancakes with Alex why is it important?"

"Just need to talk with him."

"Oh ok."

Your friend turned around and her pink hair got in your face

"You really need to cut your hair."

"Never my hair is too beautiful to cut."

"Whatever girl let me go get scissors." You say and your friend puts all her hair in a hat

You then walked into the kitchen leaving Jihyun and your friend to talk

You and jumin peeked your head out and saw them getting along

"You know he deserves to be happy when right?"

"Eh you sure?" You say and jumin sighs as he feeds you some pancakes

"I think so and he's hitting it off with your friend so why not set them but on a blind date."

"Whatever have fun."

"Y/n you know he's stayed with Rika all these years ever since he choose her over you."

"Well that's sounds like his problem."

"Babe please help me set your friend up with him."

"Fine whatever I'll try." You say and jumin kisses you and you kiss him back and Alex just eats his pancakes as he thinks about corgis

|Jihyuns pov|

Jumin set me up on a blind date and seven made like 60 blind jokes to me before this and I was nervous I haven't dated anyone since y/n and well Rika doesn't count she's kinda just staying with me and forcing me and manipulating me to do whatever she wants

But suddenly y/ns friends walks in and she had the item jumin said my blind date was gonna have so I flagged her down and she was shocked

"Wow y/n set me up with her ex? Wow and in high school I asked her to set me up with one of her ex's and I got slapped." Victoria says and I laugh

"Well uh sit down."

*Y/n and jumin did this but why? And why did y/n set her friend up with me? Well I hope I don't ruin this like I have with all my previous relationships*

(How you all feel about this? Should V get a second chance at love with your friend or like Na and he just stays with Rika?)

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