Chapter 9

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|Your Flash back|

"Hey Jihyun I need to tell you something."

"Oh I do as well y/n."

"Oh ok go ahead You first." You say hiding your pregnancy test behind your back while smiling

"I've been thinking and well I think we need to break up." He says and your heart broke into a million pieces

"It's because of Rika isn't it." You ask and Jihyun nods

"I'm sorry y/n." He says and you put the pregnancy test in your jean pocket

"Doesn't matter."

"So what did you have to tell me?"

"I forgot If I remember I'll tell you a different day."

*Someone who would leave me for their ex doesn't deserve to be in my child's life so he'll never find out about the baby I'm carrying and I have to leave the country now because I don't want him to even see the baby*

You then went to a friends place who lived in a different country and you stayed there until Alex was 3 and then you came back and met jumin and well you know the story from there

|Flash back over|

You were at the park when jumins friend walks over to you

"Hi." You say and he sighs

"You truly don't recognize me huh."

"Your jumins f—"

"No we knew each other before this and you truly don't remember me."

"I'm sorry but no but I am sorry if I offended you In any way."

"No you didn't because I knew you'd want to forget me after what I did to you." You then frown realizing there's only one person in the whole world you've tried to forget more then anything Jihyun Kim your ex boyfriend

"Wow I must have really forgotten you while I was staying with my friend can't believe it I forgot your face and I did it on purpose you know now anyways excuse me I'm leaving." You say getting up and going over to Alex and telling him you both are leaving and he nods and skips off happily with you as you glare back at Jihyun

*I guess he figured out about Alex but not much I can do but I really hoped he was dead but I guess not*

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