Chapter 13

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Jumin was giving yours and his wedding invitations out he gave one to his dad and to the Rfa and of course Jihyun

"Oh you and y/n are already planning your wedding I see."

"Yeah we are I do hope you come even though my fiancée is your ex girlfriend but your over her now." Jumin says and Jihyun nods as he looked at the ground

*How can I get over y/n she was the best girlfriend I ever had and I truly thought about marrying her but then I choose Rika over her and i ended up in the same place I was before I met y/n*

"I'm glad you'll be there."

"Of course."

"So your gonna be my best man right?" Jumin asks Jihyun who looked super shocked

*Be best man to my best friend who's getting married to my ex who I'm still in love with but I have to be there for jumin*

"Yeah of course Jumin."

"Anyways I got to get home y/n should be home by now."


"Oh yeah y/n moved in with me she really needed help with Alex and we are getting married so she moved in with me." Jumin says Jihyun nodded

"Ah I see."

"I better get going so I'll see you later V." Jumin says and then he walks off and goes to the car

When he got back to his place he sees you asleep on the couch as Alex was jumping around on the bed

"Alex it's past your bed time." Jumin says and Alex giggles

Jumin then walked over to you and saw you were passed out completely

*Poor y/n I wonder if this was how her life was before she moved here because she would always complain how tired she was but I thought it was work. I guess tonight I'll put Alex to sleep*

Jumin picked up Alex who was giggling and then brought him to his bed

"Now it's time to sleep and not jump on mine and your mom's bed anymore ok?" Jumin says as he tucked Alex into bed and Alex nods

"Ok but I want a bedtime story can I have one dad?" Alex asks and jumin nods and then he goes to through the box of your books you brought and he was trying to find some of of Alexs story books but he then noticed some of your books name titles and stopped

*Well never expected y/n to own that type of book but now where's a story book for Alex* Jumin thinks as he kept looking back at that book but he found one of alexs and grabbed it and went to Alex and read him a bedtime story

"Ok and that's the end of the story now you need to sleep ok." Jumin says and Alex nods as he lays down and closes his eyes and jumin turns on Alexs night light and then goes to the couch and picks you up and carries you to the bed and lays you down on it and tucks you in and then kisses you goodnight

"Night y/n I love you."

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