Chapter 11

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|V's pov|

I saw y/n out with Alex and jumin when I noticed something sparkle off her finger in the sunlight I then realized it was an engagement ring

So jumin already did it he already proposed to y/n I see

*I still love her and I know she hates me but I still love her and I always have ever since we broke up I've loved her. I wish me and her never broke up if I could turn back time I would*

|Your pov|

You and Jumin were watching Alex play with his friend on the play ground and you look at your engagement ring and smile at it

|Pick your ring|

|Pick your ring|

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"So when would you like to move in?" Jumin asks and you look up at him

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"So when would you like to move in?" Jumin asks and you look up at him

"I was hoping soon but moving my stuff will be difficult." You say and jumin nods

"Yes but I'll help you move into my place don't worry I just can't wait to see you everyday and marry you and you be my wife."

"I know I can't wait either." You say and jumin then puts his hands where a baby would be and you look at him confused

"I also can't wait to have a baby with you once your ready to have another child."

You nod as jumin then pulls you into a kiss and you kiss him back but then you both felt drops of water

"Oh looks like it might rain we should get going." You say and you call the kids over and they run over


"It's gonna rain we are gonna go on Alex?" You say and Alex nods and you and jumin take Alex's friends back to their houses and then go to jumins place where a few of your stuff was not everything but some boxes of clothes and other stuff

*Y/n is gonna be moving in with me soon and I can't wait because once she does I'll plan mine and hers wedding I can't wait to marry her*

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