Chapter 33

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"Congrats it's a girl." The doctor says and Alex says no

"No I wanted a baby brother!"

"Please Alex be nice to your baby sister for mommy." You ask and Alex just looks at you then nods

"But if they annoying I won't be happy." 


When you and jumin get home and you put Alex down for a nap and then go to where jumin is

"You know I can't wait to met this little girl and we have so many things we can do more stuff to get ready for the baby now." Jumin says and you nod

"Yeah we can but I wonder how my friend is."

"You mean the one going out with Jihyun or a different friend."

"That friend she hasn't texted me in awhile I'm worried for her."

"Just because he broke your heart years ago doesn't mean he'll break your friends heart."

"Unless he chooses Rika again."

"I don't think he will make the same mistake again I hope." Jumin says and you shrug

"I'm gonna make a snack for Alex when he wakes up you know Alex gets hungry after his nap." You say and jumin nods after he kisses you before you walk off

|Days later|

Today when Alex came home from the daycare with you he gasped as he saw a corgi puppy in the living room

"Hey Alex so we know your upset over a baby sister so I got you a corgi puppy not to replace your baby sister, because this puppy will still be hers as well it's the family's pet." Jumin says and Alex nods jumping up and down so happily

You looked at jumin shocked

"When did we talk about getting a puppy for Alex?" You ask as Alex was over with jumin and the puppy was licking Alex's hand and jumping up on him making Alex laugh

"It was a surprise ok? You also seemed like you wanted one."

"Yeah I did I always wanted one but then I got pregnant with Alex and I had to raise him and my parents never let me get a dog because my dad is allergic to animal fur." You say and jumin nods

"Well surprise yes Alex will be taking care of it mostly but it's all of ours." Jumin says and you kiss him

"I'm proud of you jumin you got a dog for Alex your such a good daddy." You say and jumin blushed slightly 

"I try and be the best dad for Alex I only want the best for him." Jumin says as you and Jumin watched Alex play around with the puppy as pet it so happy

*I'm happy that Alex is happy and I hope he'll be happy when his baby sister arrives*

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