AnOtHeR dUmB aU iDeA-

291 13 3

So you know how America is personified as multiple states. But what if she did exist?

I think she'd be an unfinished experiment. Like D.C meeting her would be him wandering around the lab bored. Till he spots this door he's never seen before. Despite him living in the place for years, because it looked like a thick layer of ink covered it. So after removing it he enters the room and sees a woman on one of those stretchers, getting curious he takes a closer look. Her whole chest is cut open and it's just ink inside it. But she's got bones- neat.  Anyway, America has the same jet black hair as him but dark blue (Or green I hasn't decided yet-) eyes like I.D.C. Then he picks up a dropped clipboard. 

"Experiment #244 (Because from what google said that's the age of the USA. Currently-) 

The United States of America, 

Ability: Able to copy anyone else's ability


High: 6'5

(P.S: Damn it, Chris. I said we should have been more creative with this one... -Jenny)"

Then he'd be like...

HoLy ShIt!! AlSo FuCk JeNnY-

Or something, then I imagine him trying to figure a way to bring her to life like the rest of the experiments. But he can't really understand much of what the scientist making her wrote down. Idk... I'm confused, but I like this idea. Will I write an entire chapter on this? Most likely not- 

Will I draw her? Maybe. Depends on me mood-

Other than that. How's everyone's day been? Mine's been pretty good, and someone please tell Rhode Island he doesn't have the biggest coastline. PLEASE-

Statehouse/statehumans incorrect quotes/headcanons/ or whatever else I feel likeWhere stories live. Discover now