How different states would be like in a relationship with you.

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He would treat you like a fucking God.

He would also be the one to wake you up at 3 am snuggle up to you and say "Baby I'm depressed..."

Florida would probably instead of buying flowers get food for you.

Florida would be the first to apologize after any fight because he doesn't like it when you're mad at him.

Florida likes hugging you

He tries to be saner around you but you don't mind his crazy side much anyway

Florida would get jealous easily, and probably would beat a bitch up for flirting with you

Florida every time he had a nightmare would just lay on top of you hugging you tight.

Florida makes the best orange juice and only shares it with you, Geo, and Louie


I get the "I won't admit anything but I adore you" vibe from Texas

He wouldn't always be the first to apologize mostly because his ego is too big for that

Texas would most likely kill anyone who would hurt you

Texas will put his hat on your head for no reason whatsoever

Texas won't fight with other states in front of you because he wouldn't want you mad

You and Texas go horse riding all the time

You take Texas to as many rodeos you can because it makes him all bubbly and cute like a little kid in a candy store.

Texas says everything's bigger in Texas then proceeds to pick you up and carry you to his bedroom

Texas likes singing to you


He tolerates you-

N.Y refuses to leave your side unless it's for things like the bathroom

He helps around the house a lot

N.Y loves when you say to him he's more than a city makes him feel loved-

N.Y 100% Tsundere

You tend to flirt a lot with him because it gets him flustered and mumbling a lot

Any unexpected kiss could shut down his entire body and he's mentally freaking out-

You try your best to keep N.Y from breaking fold-up tables because you worried he'll hurt himself.

N.Y is a flirty and touchy drunk boi

N.Y I think would also get very jealous and protective of you

It's hard to get him to not apologize first in a fight lol-

Thinks it's hot when you get mad


He just likes snuggles

He was surprised when you even accepted his request to be with him, to begin with.

He likes listening to you talk about nothing important. He just likes being with you.

He doesn't like it when you leave and gets a bit paranoid but it's not like he would force you to stay.

He needs to constantly be reminded that you don't hate him at least once a day.


You would 100% walk in on him just laying in bed contemplating a lot of life choices.

He likes dancing with you.

Cali isn't very protective and trusts you that if someone else tries flirting with you you would kick their ass.

He just likes hugs-

Oreo- shit no Oregon

You would probably call him oreo tho-

He acts a lot like a baby sometimes when he's high and will start sobbing if you try leaving a room without him

I feel like it would flip between you and him on who would apologize first idk-

He likes taking you out on really expensive dates for no reason

He isn't protective but he does like leaving "his mark"

Sometimes he'll bring you to meetings just because

He likes a neat house but it's not like he wants you to do it- OH NO DIS BOI DOES IT. :OOOOOOO

Any unexpected kiss will lead to him unexpectedly kissing you later as revenge kinda like a game in a way.

You've become BFFs with Washington because of him B)

Low key most of the time you just get to watch movies and snuggle with him-

You can force handholds with the power of him kinda being a simp-

(How do you even pronounce this-)

He is probably the most protective state in the US

He is kinda bit of a slob but does clean up after himself when he's done slobbing around the house

Last person to apologize after a fight

He tends to be rude to everyone besides you

He kinda denied the fact that he fell in love with you at first. Mainly because he was worried about getting hurt by you. Mass later realized he never wanted to live a day in his life without you in it. :)

Mass needs hugs. This is a threat-

He protects you from da bugs

Mass broke a table in half because you accidentally hit your side on it and it hurt badly-

You and he can talk for hours about nothing really you just like talking to each other

You both rage together when playing video games

Mass is actually a funny guy but only you know that

You tend to call him ass then slap his lol-

Sometimes he'll just walk in announced kiss you and then leave with a big goofy smile on his face

Dunkies are an important way of life :D

Ok, I'm done-
Idk if I'll do more buuuuuuuut yeah :>

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