The Farmer and The Soldier (Georgia x Kentucky)

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(Sooooooooo- @cbgiggles mentioned in their recent chapter a bit of how Geo met Kentucky, so I thought. 'I wanna write it-' sooo... I kinda did. Hope ya don't mind. ;w;)

Geo walked down the stairs, not ready to start his day. He had to get so much done and so little to do. He had to feed the chickens, check on Cherry, clean his chimney, then hit the market to sell the stuff he harvested yesterday. Farmer life sucked. Well... Sometimes. Geo threw on some overalls, not bothering for a shirt. It's way too hot for that anyway. He quickly sprinted outside and grabbed his seeds along the way. His chickens were very picky so he could only get them to eat sunflower seeds. 

Georgia ran to his chicken coop, greater by a ton of happy chickens. "Hello everyone! Yeah, I can tell your hungry no need to scream." He dumped some of the seeds in the feeder. Dropping the bag in front of the fence Geo hopped over and grabbed a few eggs carelessly shoving them in his pocket. If they cracked he wouldn't have cared that much, he had plenty of food so not a big deal. No food storage would happen anytime soon.  

Geo left his chickens to eat, walking to the other side of the yard to check on Cherry. His pregnant cow, he couldn't wait for the little calf to come into the world. He'd probably name her after a fruit or flower too. Not a veggie tho. They have weird names, he never understood it anyway.  

Geo entered his big red stereotypical barn. "Hey Cherry. How are ya?" The cow let out a happy yet tired-sounding moo. Geo rubbed the cow's head slowly. "I'm glad you're doing well, how about you get some sleep girl. I gotta clean up my chimney... I should really stop talking to animals... God, I'm so lonely..." Geo mumbled the last part. 

+Time skip+ 

Georgia was walking down the dirt road, quite bored. Nothing really to look at other than small houses and barns. Wonder how Cherry-

 "Why hello there handsome~" 

"P-Pardon?" Georgia whipped his head around and looked at a much younger soldier ridding on his horse. "Your excused honey. I just thought you were mighty cute!" The man purred, even his horse looked irritated. "Thanks, Mr...?" 

"Kentucky, but you can call me your future husband~" 

"I am not doing that. Nice to meet you anyway." God damn, he hoped he wasn't blushing. Knowing him he probably was. Geo started picking up the pace, of course, his walking away wasn't gonna stop a love-sick soldier. Kentucky had seen Georgia multiple times before but never dared to go up to him till now. That and Virginia convinced him it was a good idea to do it now before he was gone. "Where are ya headed? I could give ya a lift." 

"Not that it's any of your concern, I was going to the market," Georgia growled, he hated people. The whole reason he lives on a farm alone, talking to animals. Trying to avoid people, or at least kids were nice. "Well... Need a lift? If not I could keep ya company. And protect your pretty self from getting robbed~" Kentucky cooed again, tapping his rifle. "I-I'm fine thanks for the offer tho," Geo mumbled, why was this guy so flirty? 

Kentucky noticed the other man's bright red face, and his change in body language and decided to continue. "Hey, I gotta question." 


"Are you homework? Because I'd like to do you all night on every piece of furniture." Kentucky said, his voice randomly switching from normal to very deep. Geo's face started actually burning. And started mumbling a few things. "How about we go out for coffee sometime sweetcheeks." Georgia's coffee addiction just had to kick in. DIDN'T IT- "Alright. Fine, We can go. But not today I have lots to do."

"How about Saturday? I'm free." Kentucky said, a huge grin spreading across his face. Making the other state smile softly, eh. Love wasn't completely dumb. "That's fine with me then." 

"Wait I never got your name. Did I? But I think 'husband' is till suitable." Geo rolled his eyes if he doesn't- "My name is Georgia, and you know that it's illegal. "You act like that's gonna stop me~" The shorter man laughs, Geo only groaned. 

Why the hell did he agree to the damn date?

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