Why not do another story (Texahoma)

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Oklahoma was busy watching T.V with Tennessee and Kentucky. Eyes practically glued to the screen. And all they were watching was Paw Patrol... "Ryder is kinda cute." Tenn said, scooting a bit closer to the T.V. "You're gross. And he's like... 200 or something right?" Tucky replies, snuggling up in his blanket. Oklahoma laughed, his friends were weird. But so was he so it was ok. 

"He's not 200!! He's maybe... like... 13?" 

"Still way too old for you Tenn," Oklahoma remarks, giving his friend a small punch in the arm. "Oh shut up, we all know how you like Lola bunny!!" Kentucky punches him, then glares at him. "You can't be talking bad about the Lola bunny ok. Don't bring her into this." Tennessee nods and turns back to the T.V. 

Texas casually walks over and sits beside Oklahoma. "What's up, Oakie?" Texas asks, messing with the smaller state's hair. "What do you want Texas? And only my friends can call me Oakie." The state replied bluntly, slapping Texas's hand off him. "Rude, anyway whatcha doing?" Oaki- I mean, Oklahoma rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the annoying boy beside him. Much to the Texan's dismay. 

He had no idea why he liked such a jerk, or why he was attracted to them. But still... There's gotta be some way for Oklahoma to at least tolerate him. Maybe then his crush will eventually want to be with him. If he just sticks around a bit longer, maybe, just maybe something would change between them. And he might have a chance. 

Texas ain't no quitter. 

And he wasn't gonna quit now.

Texas moved a bit closer to Oklahoma and joined the three states watching Paw Patrol. Oklahoma was kinda uncomfy with his mortal enemy constantly trying to be around him. All the time. He'd notice Texas would follow him around and constantly sat next to him. Oak wouldn't say anything about it tho. Texas was way bigger than him and he wasn't in the mood for fighting anyone. For now at least...

+Time skip+ 

It was Geo's favorite time of day. 

Naptime. :D

While D.C was doing his normal 'run away from nap' routine. Oklahoma was snuggled up in his blanket. He liked nap time too, it wasn't his favorite time of day tho. He loved circle time. When all the states would gather around and listen to one of the teachers read. Regardless it was shortly after lunch. So he better get to sleep. Oak snuggled his toy Carbink, being a pokemon fan was awesome-

Slowly the state drifted off to slumber, while a neighboring state stared at him. Texas of course snuggled closer to Oklahoma and wrapped his arms around the other's waist. Sure he'd be really mad and flustered later, but for now, Texas would enjoy the cuddles.

Even if he knows his crush doesn't like him back, he refuses to give up on him. 


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