TWO. house of changes

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The only sounds filling the space between River and KT on their way back to Anubis House were the sound of crickets chirping and a few owl hoots here and there. Neither girls had uttered any words since they left Isis House. River didn't know if it was because KT was nervous now because of what Gertrude said to River before they left or she just genuinely didn't have anything to say, but River wasn't pressed about the silence. She was thankful for it as this would probably be the only time to wrap her head around everything that happened today without the ongoing drama at Anubis House.

She still couldn't believe that Nina wasn't returning. For some reason, River felt like there was more to this whole situation. Nina wasn't the type of person to not say anything about not coming back to anyone. It's like she had disappeared into thin air, without one trace... Kind of like Joy did. Suddenly, River was feeling very deja vu-ey. The last thing she wanted was another mystery that would put anyone else's life on the line. She had one mission this year and it was to finish high school alive.

The silence didn't last long though, as KT quickly caught up to River's side, looking eager to start a conversation. "So, what's Anubis House like? I've heard a lot from the Isis kids."

"Oh, yeah?" River responded, glancing at KT. "Like what?"

"Like you guys have a scary caretaker named... Vincent?"

"It's Victor, but he's not scary. Just grumpy. But our housemother, Trudy, she's the sweetest person ever."

"Yeah, I heard about her and the delicious treats she bakes. I also heard that there are these three students who cause chaos and start food fights randomly," KT continued and River tried to hide her amused smile, knowing that the American was talking about her, Jerome, and Alfie. "Apparently, they're pranksters and everyone's basically told me to stay away from them or not get on their bad side."

"What else have you heard about these 'pranksters'?" River nonchalantly asked.

"Uh, I think someone said that it's two guys and one girl and that the girl is kinda scary."

"Well, I have been told I'm scary, but you don't seem that terrified of me."

KT's eyes widened instantly, guilt and regret washing over her. "I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to offend you or your friends—"

"KT, it's fine," River cut her off with a chuckle. "I love pranking idiots with my idiotic friends and I really could care less if people think I'm scary."

"Oh, okay. Hey, maybe you should tell your dad that. Well, not those exact words," KT responded, causing River to furrow her brows in confusion. She slowed down her tracks before stopping, prompting KT to do the same. River had just met KT; why was she mentioning her dad? "I saw the argument between you two at the parking lot." After a second, an epiphany fell upon River, realizing why KT looked so familiar. She was the concerned girl who was watching her argument with her dad. "I'm sorry about that."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now