SEVEN. house of hieroglyphs

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River Lawrence was right about what she said to Mara. She did find out why Alfie was acting strange when the boy and Amber told her upon approaching her at her locker. However, the news they shared as well as the idea they had in mind wasn't in River's favor.

"No, no, and, oh, yeah, no!" Was the immediate response River gave to Alfie and Amber who both frowned at it.

"Oh, come on, River!" Amber groaned in annoyance. "We can't have Sibuna without you."

The bracelet Alfie got for Amber for her birthday? Yeah, turns out it wasn't a present from him. In fact, it was a parcel that was delivered to Victor. The same parcel he was currently on the rampage for. However, what perked Amber and Alfie's interest was the envelope inside of it address to the Keeper, the Seeker, and the Enabler with a bunch of hieroglyphics inside. It intrigued River a lot, especially considering Victor was desperately on the hunt for it, but she wanted to focus on herself this year and not on life-threatening Egyptian mysteries.

"Guys, every time we get involved in some mystery, someone almost gets killed," River hissed at them in a quiet tone. "Need I remind you that last year, I almost killed someone."

"Yeah, almost," Alfie expressed, only earning a glare from River who turned away from him and Amber and focused back on the inside of her locker.

"Okay, but you only did that to save Noah," Amber pointed out. "And besides, the Zenos are gone for good this time. The point is, we can't have Sibuna without our witty prankster."

"Actually, we can't have Sibuna, period," River replied as she shut her locker door, only earning confused looks from the couple before her. "Have you two not been listening to the only words Fabian manages to say this week? 'There is no Sibuna without Nina'. It's like he's a record player on repeat, so good luck trying to convince him because he's the only person who can crack that message."

A wide grin spread across Amber's face. "So you're saying if we can convince Fabian, then you're in?"

River opened her mouth to argue, seeing that Amber got the wrong idea, but Alfie quickly beat her to it. "Piece of cake! Let's go, Ambs."

The couple didn't let River say anything else as they quickly hurried off. River let out an annoyed groan, hoping that Fabian would still be on his 'no Sibuna without Nina' argument.

. . .

River entered her History classroom which was already filling up, spotting a free desk beside the one Patricia and Joy sat at. She approached the desk and took the seat closets to Joy before noticing that Noah sat behind her too. She turned around to face him, seeing that the boy held a giddy smile.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now