FIVE. house of truth

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Now that the gift-opening portion of Amber's surprise party was over, it was time for the cake. The vanilla cake covered with icing sat in the middle of the dining table before the birthday girl, while eighteen candles were lit upon it. After singing happy birthday in a terrible tune (River tried her best not to critic everyone's terrible pitch), it was time for Amber to blow on her candles and make a wish.

"Oh, it looks lovely," Amber commented on the cake.

"Bet it tastes lovely," River remarked, her eyes longingly straying on the cake while she received amused looks from her friends. "What? I'm hungry."

"Make a wish," Alfie advised his girlfriend.

Amber took a breath in and blew on the candles, some of the specks of light hitting Jerome. The blonde groaned in pain but no one pained attention to him as their eyes were focused on the birthday girl who they all clapped for.

"What did you wish for, Amber?" Willow asked. "I always wished that my Cocker Spaniels could talk."

Amber gasped. "I once spent a whole summer trying to teach my Dalmation, Precious, how to sing." River glanced between the two girls on either side of her with a look of disbelief. "Who's for cake?"

"Ooh, yay!" Noah cheered.

Mara raised her hand. "Me!"

"Finally!" River voiced with a pleased smile.

"Would you like some cake, Jerome?" Amber inquired as she reached for the knife.

"Yes," Jerome answered.

"I'm actually gonna go and get some plates," Patricia informed everyone as she stood up and headed into the kitchen.

"Oh. Yeah, I'll... I'll just help," Joy added, following Patricia in.

River furrowed her brows at Joy's evident lying, prompting her to look behind her. In the kitchen stood Fabian, desperately looking at a piece of paper in his hands, while he was having a serious conversation with Joy and Patricia. Honestly, River was curious to know what was happening, but there had been enough drama tonight. Besides, tonight was about Amber — not any other drama. She'd find out later. With that in mind, she decided to focus on the birthday girl beside her and enjoy the slice of cake that was now before her and everyone else sitting around the table.

"Thank you, guys. This place is the best," Amber said, handing two plates with cake to Willow, who was going to give them to Patricia, Fabian, and Joy in the kitchen.

"Oh, it is," Willow agreed as she headed to the kitchen.

"And my birthday has been awesome. And the best presents. River, I seriously didn't think you knew any jewelry stores."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now