TWENTY-FIVE. house of smuggling

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After getting a message on the Sibuna group chat, River, Patricia, and Alfie waited in the laundry room to sneak Eddie, Fabian, and KT back in. The trio didn't have to wait long to hear a small knock coming from the door. River stepped forward to it and opened it, revealing KT, Eddie, and Fabian on the other side. As they stepped in, River closed the door and noticed something.

"Wait, did you guys get Harriet out?" River inquired.

"We'll explain in our room," Eddie said, only making River assume that they didn't. She noticed that he held an envelope in his hand. "Come on." The Sibuna members stepped into the kitchen. However, upon seeing Joy in the living room/dining room with Mr. Sweet, their movement became slow and careful so they wouldn't alarm either of them of their presence. Thankfully, the group made it to Eddie and Fabian's room without being caught. As Fabian shut the door, everyone occupied themselves sitting, waiting to hear what Eddie, Fabian, and KT discovered. "Alright, so Harriet left us this card, okay. And it tells us what to do if anything happened to her."

"It says we have to perform the ceremony ourselves," KT revealed and River's eyes went wide. A group of six teens was supposed to perform an ancient Egyptian ceremony to wake up some dude that was supposed to be dead? Yeah, that sounded doable.

"Ourselves?" Alfie repeated in shock.

Eddie opened the card and read it aloud. "You have all you need to wake Robert. You are good people, pure of heart. He will then be the great man he once was."

"We have no idea what we're doing," KT pointed out. "What if we do something wrong?"

"Yeah, we're not exactly qualified to perform ancient Egyptian ceremonies on sleeping dudes in a tank," River piped in, sounding wary about the whole situation. "Solving ancient Egyptian mysteries? Yeah, that's our territory. But bringing people to life..."

"We could finish him."

"So we risk him being woken up by Denby?" Eddie suggested, glancing between River who sat on Fabian's chair by his desk, and then to KT. "Is that what the two of you want?"

"No!" KT stated.

"We can't just jump into this. We have no clue what we're dealing with," River elaborated.

"They're right to be worried," Fabian backed the girls up. "These ceremonies have to be correctly done to the last detail and if they're not—"

"Everything goes kablooey," Alfie finished off. "Including us."

"Exactly," River agreed.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now