THIRTY-ONE. house of schemes

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River's breath hitched as Victor's footsteps neared the office. She tightened her grip around her knees, wondering how she and Patricia were going to survive this mess. As Victor's hand held the doorknob and he slowly began to push it open, River and Patricia's saving grace came in the form of a loud bang that was heard from the entrance hall.

"What on earth?" Victor muttered to himself. He retreated from the door and made his way down the stairs. The coast was clear for River and Patricia to let out sighs of relief. "Lewis." The girls shared perplexed looks, hearing Victor call out Alfie. They slowly raised to their knees and peeked out the window, seeing Victor standing in the entrance hall with Alfie and the sarcophagus on the floor. River assumed that was what made the crashing noise and Alfie was responsible. "What did you do, boy?"

"What, me?" Alfie played the innocent as he pointed to himself. Victor didn't buy it, pointing to the sarcophagus on the ground. "Nothing. I just heard the crash and I wanted to check if there wasn't an intruder."

"Good thing Alfie didn't go to sleep," River whispered to Patricia who nodded, while Victor bent down to pick the sarcophagus up. "Okay, I'd say we have about five minutes until Alfie's act falls. Let's hurry."

With that being said, River and Patricia rose to their feet. While Patricia went over to Victor's desk to search for the key in the drawers, River opted to search amongst the key cabinet. Who knew, maybe Victor hid the key in plain sight, the last place one would think of.

"Where have you hid the key, Victor?" Patricia mused. "You got anything, River?"

"Nothing," grumbled River as she closed the key cabinet, while Patricia decided to search on the desk and through the books.

"Come on, where are you?"

River noticed Patricia going over to crouch before the window and she followed the girl's actions. Victor had chased Alfie back to his room, much to River's disappointment, but he managed to provide some insight for her. KT's key wasn't in the office. No, it was in some place worse. Victor pulled out an item from his pocket and sure enough from where she and Patricia hid, River spotted KT's moon key.

. . .

Now, Noah knew Jerome could be the most annoying human on planet Earth, but he wished the boy would shut up. He had been going on and on about the situation he placed on himself with Willow and Mara, his two girlfriends, while Noah laid on his bed with his eyes stuck on the ceiling and Alfie stood by the door with a deadpanned expression.

"I've been laying here for hours trying to figure out what to do," Jerome informed his friends. "And frankly, aside from faking my own death or relocating to Siberia, I am all out of ideas."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now