THIRTY-FIVE. house of history

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It was dark outside and the thunder roared on, but River, KT, Fabian, and Eddie managed to make their way to the side of the gatehouse. The four hid behind the brick barrier, spotting Patricia, Jerome, Alfie, and Joy standing by the gatehouse door with Denby and Sweet.

"Inside, please, Alfie," River heard Sweetie say. "I insist."

"Inside!" The loud and familiar voice belonging to Victor startled River a bit.

Joy, Jerome, Alfie, and Patricia were led inside by Denby and Mr. Sweet followed from behind. The rain started pouring down on the Sibuna gang, but River didn't care as she watched Victor scan the area before stepping inside the gatehouse and locking the door.

The four descendants were locked inside the gatehouse, under the myth that they were there for extra tuition to help their grades, and under the watchful eyes of Sweet, Victor, and Denby. This was not looking good.

. . .

The four remaining members of Sibuna entered the kitchen, drenched from the rain and wearing frowns because Team Evil was closing in on their victory of doom.

"No, Eddie, wait a minute," Fabian spoke as he, River, and KT caught up to Eddie.

"We can't just leave them there," KT said.

"Yeah, we have to do something," River agreed.

"The keypad's changed, the cellar door's locked," Eddie pointed out. "Okay, what are we gonna do? Sit out in a rainstorm all night?"

"No, but we can't just sit around here doing nothing."

"If Alfie, Patricia, Jerome, and Joy are the descendants, that means evil—" Fabian began.

"The adults can wake Frobisher-Smythe and a terrible evil is unleashed," Eddie finished. "I know."

"Okay, so let's go to Frobisher's office, go through his diaries."

"Yeah, maybe he left some code or something," River piped in.

KT shook her head. "This is no time for more study. We're all in danger!"

"Look, my dad's there, okay. He wouldn't let anything bad happen," Eddie assured his friends.

River scoffed in disbelief. "Oh, yay. How great! The same man who was involved in a secret society which forced Joy, one of the descendants might I add, to leave the school and help their cult put together an ancient cup so they can gain eternal life is the same man who's in the building with the four people who were involved with taking down said secret society wouldn't let anything bad happen to them." Eddie grew infuriated at the girl's harsh words, but River didn't care. It was what he needed to hear. "Wake up, Junior. Sweet has the same goal as Denby and Victor."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now