NINE. house of revelations

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Being friends with Alfie Lewis after many years gave River Lawrence a few perks. One of them was that if she wanted to find out something he was hiding, she had to ask him when he was at his weakest point. Alfie's weakest point? Being surrounded by Trudy's delicious treats in the kitchen. And luckily, just as River was thinking about leaving the kitchen to help Amber and Patricia get the latter's phone off of Victor, Alfie, skipped in.

"Oh, hey, Alf," River greeted him with a nonchalant smile.

"Hey, River," Alfie greeted back as he opened the fridge.

"You're in a good mood. Especially considering how stressed Amber's been without her phone."

"Ye-Yeah," Alfie stammered a bit as he closed the fridge and turned to face River, two cupcakes in each hand. "I'm sure Victor will give it to her soon."

"I hope so." River nonchalantly sighed as she thought of something. "She's been waiting for the news if these pair of boots she ordered have arrived yet. The store she ordered it from was supposed to send a message now."

Alfie's eyebrows pulled together in confusion as he took a bite out of one of the cupcakes. "Really? I don't remember seeing a message about her package on her phone. Although there was one from her dad telling her to control her online shopping this term."

River raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "I thought you said you just picked Amber's phone up." Alfie's eyes immediately widened, telling River that he did know more. "Why'd you take Amber's phone, Alfie?"

"I... uhm..." That was all Alfie Lewis managed to spew out before he shoved the two cupcakes in his mouth. His words became incomprehensible muffles as a few bits of the cupcakes spluttered out.

River scrunched her nose in disgust. Alfie made a turn into the hall and headed for Fabian and Eddie's room. Rolling her eyes, River followed behind him as he opened the door. River stepped in first, followed by Alfie, seeing that Fabian sat on his bed, his focus on his laptop, the piece of paper with the hieroglyphics, and a bunch of other notebooks and pages with hieroglyphics River didn't understand. Meanwhile Joy sat on a chair with her family tree in her hand, the one River recalled her panicking about losing toward the end of school.

"Got that bad boy translated yet?" Alfie inquired, his mouth empty of any cupcakes.

"Yeah," Fabian answered as he looked at the hieroglyphics sheet. "It says, 'bring Fabian a drink from the fridge, River and Alfie'."

River lightly shook her head. "Yeah, sure it does."

"Those things are also so cryptic," Alfie remarked as Joy chuckled. He and River seated themselves on Eddie's bed just as the door opened again and in stepped Patricia and Alfie.

"Victor is putty in my hands," Patricia announced with a grin.

"You get Amber's phone back?" Alfie asked surprised as he sat up.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now