NINETEEN. house of entrapment

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Miss Denby helped a limping Alfie into the entrance hall of the gatehouse, while River followed behind and Patricia went to ring the doorbell again (to signal the other three Sibunas) before quickly entering the hall.

The ringing of the bell, unfortunately, caught Miss Denby's attention as she glanced back to Patricia. "Who's that? Is someone there?"

Alfie let out a dramatic cry as he fell to the couch, gaining Miss Denby's attention. River grew confused and looked up, seeing that the reason for his cry was because KT, Fabian, and Eddie were on the landing. Patricia noticed him too and the duo was quick to go back to distracting Miss Denby.

"Oh, poor Alfie," Patricia spoke up with a worried look. "We might need some help getting him back to Anubis House."

"No, no. I couldn't possibly. I'm very busy."

A creaking sound was heard from the landing, causing Miss Denby to look up. River, Patricia, and Alfie gave each other worried looks, seeing as the woman wasn't budging.

"I just hope we don't drop him and he sprains his other ankle," Patricia quickly said and Miss Denby glanced back to her and River. "What with his dad being a really high-powered lawyer and everything."

"Same as my dad too," River added upon noticing that Miss Denby looked a bit worried. "He's never lost a case and the Lewis's and Lawrence's are very close."

"Fine," the woman finally caved in. "But understand this, the gatehouse is out of bounds from now. I will not tolerate trespassers." With a sigh, Miss Denby helped the 'injured' Alfie up as they headed to the door, while River and Patricia threw their friends' thumbs up before they followed the two out. "Why don't you take up knitting? Or chess? Something less athletic."

. . .

"That was close," KT was the first to voice as Sibuna entered Anubis House, the group heading into the empty living room.

"That was nothing, trust me," Patricia said.

"Yeah, that was a breeze," River added with a shrug. She occupied herself on the arm of one of the couches with Patricia, while everyone else found seats to themselves. "Compared to what we usually get."

"Just an average day out in Sibunavile."

"No, no, you didn't see it," Fabian spoke, looking pretty spooked if River had to say. "Him. It was spooky. What does Denby with a sleeping body?"

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now