TWENTY-SIX. house of open day

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Victor Rodenmaar was ambitious, something River was hating right now. He was still searching through the girls' bedrooms upstairs as the remaining members of Sibuna exited the corridor. They headed down the stairs, seeing Eddie step inside from the front door.

"Victor is still in crazy mode up there," Fabian informed his roommate as the group stepped down to the entrance hall.

"Great. Well, the bad news is, I couldn't hide it," Eddie said, revealing the golden-colored bracelet under his sleeve which caused sighs from his friends. "Good news, I did have some really good Chinese food though."

Fabian shook his head in disbelief. "Come on."

"Eddie!" Patricia scolded him.

"Oh, really?" Alfie inquired, interested in Eddie's enjoyment of his takeout.

"That's nice," KT said.

"And you didn't think of bringing leftovers or something?" River questioned in disbelief.

"All of you!" The sound of a booming voice and approaching footsteps alerted the Sibunas to Victor who stood on the landing above. "Empty your pockets this second!"

River's eyes widened as she glanced at Eddie who wore a panicked look. Victor had already searched her, Fabian, KT, Patricia, and Alfie. He had yet to search Eddie who had the bracelet in his pocket.

"Come on! Didn't we already do this?" KT asked, attempting to get Victor to change his mind.

"No more defiance. Do as I say," Victor demanded as he reached the group, stepping down the staircase. At that moment, Eddie tried to make a quick gateway. However, his attempts failed as Victor caught him. "You, Sweet Junior! You can be first." River shared worried looks with her clubmates as Victor approached a nervous Eddie. Any second now and Victor was going to find the key to his search and the key to waking up an evil Frobisher. What were they going to do? "Empty your pockets."

"I... I can't," Eddie replied as his friends shook their heads.

"I shall tell you one more time, empty them!"

Thankfully, a saving grace for Sibuna quickly approached. Trudy Rehnamn, covered in a green face mask (that River knew Amber would have a comment on if she were her), dressed in her night robe, her hair in curlers and a mug in her hand, entered the entrance hall, growing quite tired of Victor's rampage.

"Victor," Trudy sternly called the man.

"What?" Victor hissed as he glanced at Trudy with a frown.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now