THREE. house of presents

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It was like Eddie Miller had disappeared because no one had seen him since Amber Millington shoved a list in his face. Speaking of the blonde, she offered to go look for him to distract herself from any further thinking about her happy-less birthday. This gave time for Noah, Mara, and Joy to work on the banner for Amber's surprise party while River supervised and made sure that it was Amber-perfect.

"It's missing something," River informed the three, her eyes narrowing on the banner.

"If you say we need to use more glitter, I'm going to go blind," Joy voiced in annoyance.

"I think we have enough on this banner, River," Mara told her.

River scoffed. "Mara, I think I know my best friend better than you do. When I say we need something big or she'll have a meltdown, I mean it."

"What if I draw her like a queen or something?" Noah suggested.

A satisfied grin grew on River's face as she pointed at Noah. "Yes! Yes, that's perfect."

As Noah, Mara, and Joy resumed working on the banner, Eddie entered the student lounge/drama room, throwing his bag on one chair and sitting on the couch Noah and Joy were on. "Hey."

"Hey," Noah, Mara, and Joy greeted back.

Upon Eddie's arrival, River's eyes widened as she remembered the message Nina left Fabian with. However, before she could open her mouth and question the boy. Mr. Sweet came into the room, grabbing Eddie's attention. "Oh, Eddie, are we still on for lunch?"

"Yeah, sure," Eddie replied as he stood up. River sighed, watching the father-son duo leave just as Fabian entered the area, also looking a bit defeated when he saw Eddie leaving.

"Hate to say this, but definitely more glitter," Patricia advised Noah, Mara, and Joy as she sat on the arm on the couch River was on. "And Amber's coming by the way."

Noah, Joy, and Mara gasped as they quickly put the sign behind them on the floor and hid the glues of glitter along with it. Just as they finished, Amber entered the student lounge/drama room. With the same frown she'd been wearing all day, she sat on the couch next to Noah.

"If Nina was here, I know she'd be organizing a whole soirée this evening," Amber began to complain, giving everyone pointed looks, "what with it being my birthday and all."

Joining the Anubis gang's conversation was Willow Jenks who gleefully skipped into the room and smiled upon hearing Amber's words. "It's your birthday? Ooh, you should have a party!"

"Well, exactly, Willow. Exactly."

"I was in the Himalayas last year for my birthday and," as Willow continued, River and Patricia shared amused smiles. Willow Jenks really did get more... unique each year, "I didn't have a cake or presents or anything. Just like you." River tried to hold her laughter back upon seeing Amber's face drop and it seemed as Willow was oblivious to this. "But I had the love of my family. And we lit a fire and we sang songs—"

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now