TWENTY-ONE. house of sisters

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"How can you be taking a nap at a time like this, River?" Fabian couldn't help but scold his friend.

While he was pacing in the middle of his room, Patricia and KT sat on his bed while River lay on Eddie's. Her eyes were closed, but the sound of Fabian's continuous footsteps, as well as his voice calling her, caused her to sit up.

"Sleeping helps me stay calm," River responded, earning a chuckle from KT and Patricia while Fabian grumbled.

Eddie had yet to return. KT informed the group of how he made the dumb decision of getting Miss Denby's bag instead of fleeing for safety. Now no one knew where he was or what happened to him. However, the sound of the door opening brought everyone to their feet, relief flushing them upon the sight of Eddie.

"Eddie!" KT exclaimed his name as the group gathered while Fabian shut the door. "You're okay. We thought you'd been 'Victored'."

"No, but, uhm, hold onto your hats," Eddie began as he pulled something out of his pocket. River furrowed her brows at the sight of an envelope in the boy's hands, "because according to this, Miss Harriet Denby has been a long-term resident of the Lakehouse Clinic." Eddie took his phone out, went onto the internet, and searched the clinic's name. "And a quick search tells us that it's..."

"A hospital for the mentally ill?" KT read off Eddie's phone in shock, her, River, Patricia, and Fabian sharing wide eyes.

"She's a mental patient?" River spoke in disbelief. "Or, well, was."

"And they let her out to teach?" Patricia piped in.

"Terrible decision on their part."

"Or she must've escaped," Fabian suggested.

"So starts every horror movie ever made," Patricia remarked.

"Ooh, I've always wanted to be in a horror movie." River grinned, earning looks of disbelief from her friends. "What? I'd make an amazing final girl."

"Back to the, uh, real issue," KT spoke up, wanting to get back to the matter at hand, while River shrugged. "She can definitely not do the ceremony of Anubis. What are we gonna do?"

"The only thing we can do," Eddie said. "Tell the clinic to collect their patient."

"Works for me," Patricia agreed. "No unleashed evil and no more History lessons."

"Then I'm definitely not doing my History homework," River piped in as threw a high-five across to the goth pixie. The door opened again, however, this time Alfie Lewis's head popped in, his water gun protecting his body.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now