THIRTY-SIX. house of seizure

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Willow wasn't moving rooms until tomorrow and since she and Mara were working on their eclipse project (with Noah) and kept on bickering, River grew increasingly annoyed. She was already worried about Sibuna's plan tomorrow and the ceremony; she couldn't deal with Mara and Willow. So she decided to room with KT tonight since both her roommates were gone.

"You seriously can't handle one more night with Willow and Mara?" KT questioned. She sat on her bed with her laptop out while River sat on Joy's bed.

"They can't stop fighting over their eclipse project. Mara wants Science, Willow wants fun. I have no idea how Noah can work with them," River explained with a huff while KT chuckled. "Why? Do you not want me here?"

"No, I do. I could use the company tonight," KT assured her. "Hey, you wanna watch a movie?"

"What kind of movie?"

"A musical."

"Oh, my God."

"What? You said you love musicals."

"Yeah, but no offense, you have terrible taste."

"It's Footloose," KT revealed. River perked up at the name, sending KT a glance who playfully shrugged. "But, hey, I have terrible taste in movies, so we should probably sleep instead." River released a groan and hopped off Joy's bed. She trudged over to KT's bed and sat next to her, while the curly-haired girl held a pleased smile. "Suddenly changed your mind?"

"Just play the movie, Rush," River said, earning a chuckle from KT. "You know, I didn't think musicals were your thing."

"What did you think my thing was?"

"Uh, I don't know. Old classical films and silent movies."

"Ouch." KT chuckled lightly. "I'm slightly offended."

"Please, you probably thought my taste in films was comedy and horror," River guessed and KT grimaced. "See. Guess you don't know me well enough either."

"Maybe we could change that?"

River glanced at KT whose eyes were already on her, sending her a smile. Although she didn't know KT very well, River somehow felt comfort whenever she was with her. Realizing the two were still holding their gaze, River quickly broke it, clearing her throat as she looked toward the laptop.

"So, uhm, the movie," River spoke up, noting the awkwardness in her tone.

KT nodded with a smile, turning her attention to the laptop. "Right. The movie."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now