SIX. house of chaos

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River was glad that it was currently her and Amber at the dining table this morning for breakfast. From everything that happened last night, she just needed a moment to breathe and she was fine with only Amber being around. Though it didn't seem like everyone else in the house got that, like this morning, Joy decided to hover River and Amber when they were brushing their teeth in the bathroom.

"Wait, what did Joy say this was?" River asked, looking at the piece of paper before her which held Joy's messy handwriting.

"It's a schedule for Fabian," Amber reminded her. "You know, to check up on him, since the whole... letter thing." Rolling her eyes, River crumbled the paper and threw it behind her, hearing it land in the kitchen. "Pretty sure Joy isn't gonna like that."

"Uh, pretty sure I never care about Joy's or anyone else's opinions. Besides, the schedule thing is dumb. Fabian's a big boy — scratch that, he's eighteen so he's supposedly a man. He doesn't need to be babysat by us. What he needs to do is what the rest of us are doing."

"And that is?"

"Ignore our feelings and use sarcasm as a defense force, duh."

Amber's eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "That's what you usually do."

River opened her mouth to argue, but she stopped, knowing Amber was right. "Oh, yeah."

The roomies weren't alone for long as Alfie had entered the dining room and took his usual seat beside River. As always, he was happy only because of the meal that laid in front of him. However, River noted that the minute Amber brought up Alfie's birthday present for her and she started showing it off, Alfie seemed nervous.

"I love how it goes with all my outfits," Amber gushed about her new bracelet. "See how it changed color with the light?"

"Fourth the tenth time, yes, we see," River dully replied.

"Trudy!" Victor's voice echoed through the house and River groaned in annoyance at how loud the man was so early in the morning. "Post!"

Alfie had a different reaction as he quickly reached over to Amber's wrist and covered the bracelet with her sleeve. "Maybe you shouldn't flaunt it so openly, Amber."

River and Amber gave the jokester a bewildered stare, the latter uttering, "What are you doing?"

Alfie sighed, but before he could answer, a grumpy Victor stepped foot in the living room, glaring at the teens sitting by the dining table before he headed into the kitchen.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now