THIRTY-SEVEN. house of kidnapping

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The boys' change room was the last place River would dare step into, but when it came to a Sibuna plan, she had no other choice. She and Fabian were in the boys' change room and with them was Victor Rodenmaar's prized possession, Corbierre, secured in a red net.

"Now, Corbierre, all we have to do is wait for Victor," Fabian said as he hung Corbierre on one of the doors. River shot him a confused look, wondering why he was talking to the stuffed bird. "And he's not gonna be attending his little ceremony and neither is Mr. Sweet or Miss Denby."

"Why are you talking to the dead bird, Rutter?" River rhetorically questioned. Fabian faced her, holding a sheepish look. She shook her head and handed him the note she wrote for Victor. "Just stick it on your new bestie."

"He's not my new—"

"Take the note, Fabian!"

With a sigh, Fabian took the small note out of River's hand and put it on the back of Corbierre. Now that they had that portion of the plan set, the two friends headed out of the change room. They moved over to hide by one of the rows of lockers, having a view of the door to the change room. Half-past eleven had arrived and Victor was due to come running to save Corbierre soon.

"Does it ever feel weird?" Fabian suddenly asked after a moment of silence.

"What?" River responded, holding a confused frown.

"Doing Sibuna stuff like this without Nina and Amber," Fabian elaborated. For a moment, River was silent and the boy assumed it was because he brought up an emotional topic and River was not one to talk about her feelings. However, River's silence was due to her reminiscing on the memories of doing crazy Sibuna antics with her best friends Nina Martin and Amber Millington. "Sorry, forget I said—"

"Yeah, it does feel weird. It's weird not having Nina telling me not to do something stupid or having Amber make the smallest comments about my outfits," River said, a small smile growing on her lips while Fabian mirrored her expression. "I miss them."

"Me too. At least we still got each other, right?"

"Fabian, shut up."

"Okay, you really need to work on being nicer."

"No, no, I mean, Victor's here."

In the duo's sight, Victor Rodenmaar had rushed over to the boys' change room door and stepped inside. River and Fabian took that as their cue to hurry over to the door while Victor found their little surprise for him. Upon reaching the door, the inside of the change room was visible to River and Fabian who both saw Victor opening the note on Corbierre.

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now