FORTY-ONE. house of sarcophagi

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The Sibuna members got a rude awakening the next morning. It hadn't been twenty-four hours of peace and, somehow, they were diving back into action. They sat in Eddie and Fabian's room, impatiently waiting for their distressed leader to reveal the bad news. Eddie looked like he survived a battle. River had never seen him this frantic and it was concerning. Fabian looked on edge too, which was normal, but still... What was going on?

"Is anyone going to talk?" River broke the cut-throat silence. "Or are we just gonna sit here in silence?"

"Yeah, what's up, Eddie?" Patricia asked.

"He had a vision," Fabian answered for him.

"What did you see?" KT questioned the American boy.

Finally, after his silence, Eddie broke a heavy sigh. "It was Frobisher. He was chanting," he explained. "It was like he was trying to... I don't know, summon something."

"Like... what?" River asked, her tone laced with concern. From the way Eddie was speaking and the fear stitched in his eyes, whatever Frobisher was summoning was bad.

"I don't know, but... something terrible," he concluded. The Sibuna members shared worried looks. It seemed like their daily job was just getting started. "Guys, I think something really, really bad is gonna happen."

. . .

"Okay, ready?" River asked.

"Give me your worst, River," KT confidently replied.

River pulled her fist back before pushing it out and opening her palm. A small green jellybean released from it and flew in the direction of KT's opened mouth. The curly-haired girl successfully caught the sweet in her mouth and threw her arms up as a cheer. She smiled proudly and River chuckled at her expression. They paid no mind to their fellow students around them in the lounge who gave them annoyed or weirded-out looks but were in their little bubble away from the chaos of Amun.

"Nice!" River commended her as she dug around in her jellybean packet for one of her own. "I was beginning to question your mouth-catching skills."

"I'd be disgracing my country if I didn't live up to the American sporty stereotype," KT joked, earning a chuckle from River.

"You're proud to be part of a country that's the capital of racism?"

"Your country's the capital of colonialism, is it not?"

After a brief moment of silence, River shook her head. "Let's not dwell on politics."

𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)³Where stories live. Discover now